The Selkirk Community Arts Centre
The Art Works of the Gwen Fox Gallery members
S Artimowich 1 Iris Twigs
Sandra Artimowich GallerySuzanne Barrow GalleryKahtleen Hamman Buckoski Gallery
Foot Bridge Blowing in the Wind Hollyhocks
Michele Campbell GalleryElaine Clerc GalleryElayne Starr De Wandel Gallery
Sunflowers a la Van Gogh 2023 sm Happy Whale KGMoore 20230416 123855
Joan Ewonchuk GalleryKathy Freeman GalleryKathy George - Moore Gallery
Waterlieu I, II, II & IV Golden Poppies Into the Wind
Gayle Halliwell GalleryBeverly Hart GalleryBrenda Hedberg Gallery
Forbidden Fruit Esplanade Riel   Nighttime Angel Prays for Ukraine
Patricia Johnson GalleryGracie Kars GalleryMarika Onufrijchuk Sokulski Gallery
The Rain Came Down Willy Schmid FullSizeRender2
Garth Palanuk GalleryJulia Penny GalleryBernice Phillips Gallery
Birch 1 The Beach Waters Edge with Red
Teresa Rampton GalleryPatti Simko GalleryJo Smoley Gallery
Floating Market Bankok
Judy Sutton GalleryAndrew Zurawsky Gallery